The True Feminine Academy!! 

Starting In 2025!! 

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Hey, girl! I'm Rachel!


I’m a Certified Dating Coach, podcaster, & relationship expert.

Before I was a dating coach, I was a disaster at dating! I had so much underlying hurt, I self-sabotaged any chance at finding a partner.

Long story short, I did inner work with a therapist and a dating coach and six months later met my husband.

Now I live to help women identify their hurt and begin the healing process so that they can find love.

I've helped hundreds of women on their dating journey to find committed relationships


I believe that what can happen for one can happen for all. You, too, can find breakthroughs, deepen your self-value, have big heart shifts and your dream relationship, too!

But you don't have to take my word for it!

If You're Finding Yourself...

  • Attracting low-quality men who still have a lot of healing to do and are not commitment ready...
  • Struggling to find ways to “put yourself out there”...
  • Trying to force, control, or move things forward in your current relationship or in past relationships...
  • Having difficulty trusting and letting go...
  • Obsessing over the outcome…
  • Over-functioning in your masculine energy while with men...
  • Feeling needy, anxious, or insecure when dating or in your current relationship
  • Getting stuck in your head and overanalyzing and trying to do everything perfectly
  • Uncomfortable being vulnerable
  • Fearing rejection

If What You Really Desire Is to...

  • Attract a high-quality, emotionally available man...
  • Have long-term commitment that leads to marriage...
  • Feel comfortable just being yourself in dating and relationships...
  • Become the most confident and happy version of yourself and genuinely enjoy your life...
  • Feel relaxed, trusting, and in your “lean back” energy so you no longer repel your man - but draw him closer...
  • Become effortlessly magnetic in the most natural way

Then this program is for YOU.

And if you’ve been on the dating scene lately, let’s face it, it can be quite discouraging… you’re wasting your time on the wrong kind of guys who are just not “READY” for something deep and real...


This 12-Week Coaching Program Just Might Be for You…

If You’re Tired Of:

  • Men who only pursue you for “hookups”...
  • Men who match with you online but then there’s no conversation...
  • Men who can’t keep a meaningful conversation
  • They say ‘Hi” and then disappear...
  • Tired of men asking the same questions every time...
  • Men who say “I love you” before they ask for commitment
  • Waiting forever or NEVER to ask you to meet up...
  • They only want to talk with no action...
  • Men who lead you on and then ghost you...


Well, I say NO MORE OF THAT!!! …

  • It is time for you to find a man who…
  • Has GOOD integrity
  • A man who will make you feel loved, adored, and cherished just the way you are
  • A man who is emotionally available
  • A man who is comforting
  • A man who is a safe place for you
  • A man who will always fight for you

That’s why I’ve designed a 12-week coaching program to help YOU get the life change you need in order to get one step closer to “I do."

Are you willing to set aside 12-weeks and really take in all the tools, mentorship, guidance, wisdom, and knowledge that this program is offering?

Or will you keep putting your love life on hold and saying, “Next time”?

Look, I get it, it’s easy to say “next time” and for some of you, you genuinely may not be able to take this program right now for various legitimate reasons, but for the ones who might be putting this on hold out of fear, or as an effort to avoid going to the deeper places, I encourage you to not sit on the sidelines and to really GET IN THE GAME AND PLAY!


I BELIEVE in you! The question is, do YOU believe in YOU?

If this program sounds right for you, you can sign up today!

If you choose a payment plan option and then decide you would like to pay TFA off sooner, we will deduct your interest owed.


Program Details

Your situation, your background, your relationship style, everything about you is totally unique, and that’s why, in The True Feminine Academy, we’ll work together to turn things around.

Here’s what you’ll get that will make a huge difference:

  • 12-weeks of digital teachings (released each week).
  • 12-weeks of group call mentorship with Rachel through a live Zoom call every Tuesday (each call is 2 hours long)
  • 12-weeks of Bonus Office Hours every Saturday with one of our support coaches or a guest speaker
  • PLUS: as an upgrade for $250, you’ll get a 1:1 coaching call with Rachel to solve your immediate situation...
  • You’ll learn all the FEM TOOLS, and exactly how to use them with your unique situation and personality - to set you up for success with men...
  • You'll receive “Reflection Worksheets'' that ask tough questions and give you action steps to end the cycle of “what doesn’t work” while tapping into your future desires. These Worksheet Modules will help you get very specific on what you’re wanting to attract in your life, so you can begin attracting what you want instead of what you don’t want.
  • Our Q&A time together is a time for you to ask Rachel ANYTHING.

This is the time Rachel will give personalized coaching each week. It’s a very helpful time for each girl in our group! It’s very intimate, and you’ll feel incredibly supported and understood as the group becomes like a sisterhood all going through very similar things.

We’ll be covering:

  • Masculine vs. Feminine energy
  • The language of a man - What to say and what not to say to him
  • The energetic exchange
  • Mastering boundaries with men and getting your needs met
  • Parts of self-work/Shadow work - How to understand where your past fears have come from and how they show up and can create self-sabotage. You will learn how to redirect all of that through awareness work.
  • ONLINE DATING PROFILES! I will do an extensive session on how to set up your dating profiles in a way that you might not have thought of before!!
  • Understanding your own hidden limiting beliefs and how to get rid of them!!
    Setting up your online profile in a way that draws in the right men and deters the wrong ones - Getting you OUT THERE!
  • Proven methods to attract the right kind of men to you and deter the wrong ones!

Other topics I will be covering:

  • How to speak to a man and know his language and how to unlock his heart
  • How to resolve conflict with a man
  • How to get your needs met without being “needy”
  • How to set and keep boundaries
  • How to be bravely vulnerable And so much more!

I cannot wait to meet you all!! And spend time getting to know you QUEENS!

Your desires are on the other side of the INNER work!

If you are READY to dive into the Academy, click the buttons below to Join the waitlist now!

If you choose a payment plan option and then decide you would like to pay TFA off sooner, we will deduct your interest owed.

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