The True Feminine Patreon Membership 


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Hi ladies! If you are just Landing on this page, I believe in my SOUL there is something special to be learned as you dive into one or many levels of The True Feminine offers! I also know how important COMMUNITY has been to The True Feminine Academy. It brings encouragement, motivation and accountability to women that might not have had that in their life. 


I am passionate about helping Single Women navigate Dating in the Modern World. It is not as easy understanding yourself, men and how to communicate effectively with the opposite sex as it might feel for you to communicate in your place of work or careers. 


Why can’t they be equally as simple? 

Let’s face it, being a woman trying to Date in Modern Times takes skill, tenacity, deep understandings of yourself and men. It takes COURAGE beyond belief. It takes mindset work and BRAVERY. 


With all that it also takes to be successful, the good news is, YOU my dear can ABSOLUTELY be incredibly successful in your dating life! With a little bit of tweaking, you can be married within a year. I know this to be true, because I have helped hundreds of women find love that lasts from beautiful budding relationships to engagement to marriages within 12 months and beyond. It’s incredible what can happen when you commit to the journey of learning, growing surrendering, softening, receiving, flowing and all the magical ways your Feminine Energy can draw you to your dreams of being a wife one day. 


For the longest time the only offer I had for women to purchase is my Flagship, Signature program called The True Feminine Academy. That program is my BABY. It is my one stop shop. It is the program that I believe will take you from single, confused and hopeless to confident, Magnetic, into beautiful break through’s and into hopeful relationships that lead to marriage. It's the program I believe every girl should join at some point.  


But NOW, I have decided to put a couple other options on the table for you! Options that will allow the TFA community to continue well after you finish TFA. Or perhaps will be a great place to dip your toes into the TFA community before taking the plunge into the bigger program like The True Feminine Academy.  And I can’t wait to share these opportunities with you! 


I am FINALLY getting into the world of Patreon!! 


And I’m excited to share two things that might be a great fit for YOU whether you are completely new to the dating scene or not ready to go all in on my bigger program but know you want to dip your toes, here are the two latest additions to my offer suite. 

If they feel aligned for you, I look forward to helping you grow in each of them and beyond! 


The Fem Book Club!

Book Club Structure...…


  • Once you join the Patreon Group, You get assigned a book to read through 

  • Each week you will read through a number of chapters Rachel suggests 
  • You will get a weekly written or voice memo recap of the chapters from Rachel each week. 
  • The 4th Thursday of each month Rachel will host a 30 to 40 minute LIVE recap call. This will be a time for the community to share what their take aways were and to hear Rachel share some of her thoughts and opinions 
  • Community: You will be able to chat inside a group chat with other ladies going through the book throughout the week. 


Fem Co.

What You Get…


  • Two LIVE monthly group Coaching Calls with Rachel!

  • Ask questions to be answered LIVE in each session!

  • Weekly exclusive motivational pep-talks + fem challenges from Rachel via written or voice memo'd!

  • The Fem Book Club

  • See FAQ below for further details 
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